
Joke #167: Pizza, Pizza!

Do you want to hear a pizza joke? I must warn you, it's cheesy!

Fact #167: Snow Two Flakes Alike?

Despite the commonly held belief that no two snowflakes are alike, an American scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) disproved that theory in 1988 when finding two identical snowflakes. 

Fact #166: Time is Money

It is estimated that full-time remote workers in New York City save 343 hours per year by not having to commute back-and-forth to work.  That equates to roughly two weeks of saved time per year!

Fact #165: Founding Fathers Pass Together

The second and third presidents of the United States, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, respectively, both passed away on July 4, 1826 , exactly 50 years after the Declaration of Independence was penned.

Fact #164: Whistle While You Work?

In Waterbury, Connecticut, it is illegal for any stylist, barber, or beautician to hum, whistle or sing a tune while working on a customer.

Joke #166: Creature of the Night

What kept the sick vampire from sleeping all night? His coffin!

Joke #165: Froggy Situation

Why was the frog forced to take the train home? Because his car was toad.

Joke # 164: Barbers Be Blazing

Why do barbers make excellent cross country runners? Because they know all the short cuts!

Joke #163: Sick Commode

How can you tell when a toilet is sick? It'll look completely flushed.

Fact #163: Young Stardom

At 14 years and 182 days old, LeAnn Rimes is the youngest individual to ever win a Grammy (1996).